Senior Week is in Full Swing Graduation Approaches

There are just a few days left!!! Tomorrow is the Student/Teacher Basketball Game, Field Day on Friday, Barbeque on Monday and then GRADUATION & PROM on Tuesday!!!!
From now until Monday, students are expected to clean out their lockers, and return devices.  Students should bring a backpack or another bag with them to bring home items from their lockers.  Please return power cords along with devices.
Once a student has cleaned out their locker and returned their device, they will get their cap & gown and they will also be given 5 Graduation Tickets.  Students who need more tickets should email [email protected].
Additional tickets will be given first come first served, on a case by case basis, as long as space remains.
If you would like to contribute refreshments for prom, please scan the QR Code or go to the Sign-Up .  Finger foods, appetizers, snacks, and drinks are all big hits for Prom refreshments.
Senior Week 2024 Activities & Clean Lockers